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    LV Aerial Bundled Conductor (ABC) Cables


    Aerial Bundle Cable (ABC cable) is a very innovative concept for overhead power distribution as compared to the conventional bare conductor overhead distribution system. It provides higher level of safety and reliability, lower power losses and ultimate system economy by reducing installation, maintenance and operative cost.

    Caledonian LV Aerial Bundle Cables are designed to supply 600/1000 volt aerial service for temporary service at construction sites, as a service drop (power pole to service entrance), as a secondary cable (pole to pole) or street lighting. This over-head cable provides reinforced insulation acc. IEC 61140 and fulfill therefore Class II acc. IEC 61140. It is not flame retardant. But this could be if requested change to a flame retardant cable.


    Basic design to BS 7870 / TNB Specification(IEC 60502) / HD 626 S1 / NFC 33-209 / AS/NZS 3560-1 standards

    Cable Construction

    Conductor : Aluminium conductor, round stranded compressed (RM).

    Insulation : XPLE compound, UV-resistant.

    Core Identification : 1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the surface of the cores. The surface of the neutral core should have at least 12 ribs for cross-sections up to 50 mm² and a minimum of 16 ribs for cores above 50 mm². In the case of five core bundles the surface of the protective core should be smooth.

    Electrical Properties

    Rated Voltage 0.6/1kV
    Test Voltage 4 Veff kV
    Minimum Laying Temperature -20°C
    Operating Temperature -40°C~ +90°C
    Maximum Short-circuit Temperature 250°C
    Maximum Conductor Temperature 80°C
    Minimum Bending Radius 18×OD

    Construction Parameters

    BS 7870

    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance Minimum Breaking Load Current Rating
    No.×mm² mm Kg/Km Ω/Km KN A
    1x16 RM 8,0 74 1.910 2.5 72
    1x25 RM 9,0 106 1.200 4.0 107
    1x35 RM 10,5 138 0.868 5.5 132
    1x50 RM 11,8 182 0.641 8.0 165
    1x70 RM 13,0 252 0.443 10.7 205
    1x95 RM 15,4 333 0.320 13,7 240
    1x120 RM 17,0 408 0,253 18,6 290
    1x150 RM 19,0 502 0,206 23,2 334
    1x185 RM 21,0 611 0,164 28,7 389
    1x240 RM 24,0 801 0,125 37,2 467
    2x16 RM 15,6 147 1.910 2,5 72
    2x25 RM 18,0 208 1.200 4,0 107
    2x35 RM 20,0 277 0,868 5,5 132
    2x50 RM 23,5 361 0,641 8,0 165
    2x70 RM 25,4 505 0,443 10,7 205
    2x95 RM 30,3 666 0,320 13,7 240
    2x150 RM 38,0 1004 0,206 23,2 334
    4x16 RM 18,8 286 1.910 2,5 72
    4x25 RM 21,2 430 1.200 4,0 107
    4x35 RM 24,1 553 0,868 5,5 132
    4x50 RM 27,8 746 0,641 8,0 165
    4x70 RM 31,8 1.009 0,443 10,7 205
    4x95 RM 37,8 1.332 0,320 13,7 240
    4x120 RM 54,4 1.632 0,253 18,6 290
    4x50 + 1x25 RM 319 814 0,641/1,200 8,0/4,0 165/107
    4x50 + 1x35 RM 319 845 0,641/0,868 8,5/5,5 165/132
    4x70 + 1x25 RM 360 1105 0,443/1,200 10,7/4,0 205/107
    4x70 + 2x25 RM 400 1217 0,443/1,200 10,7/4,0 205/107
    4x95 + 1x25 RM 418 1438 0,320/1,200 13,7/4,0 240/107
    4x95 + 2x25 RM 420 1544 0,320/1,200 13,7/4,0 240/107
    4x120 + 1x25 RM 590 2050 0,253/1,200 18,6/4,0 290/107

    Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

    TNB Specification(IEC 60502)

    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance Minimum Breaking Load Current Rating
    No.×mm² mm Kg/Km Ω/Km KN A
    1x16+1x25 RM 15.3 160 1,910 2,5 72
    3x16+1x25 RM 19.0 290 1.200 4,0 107
    3x25+1x25 RM 23.2 400 0,868 5,5 132
    3x35+1x25 RM 25.6 500 0,641 8,0 165
    3x50+1x35 RM 30.0 680 0,443 10,7 205
    3x70+1x50 RM 34.9 920 0,320 13,7 240
    3x95+1x70 RM 40.6 1270 0,253 18,6 290
    3x120+1x70 RM 44.1 1510 0,206 23,2 334
    3x150+1x95 RM 49.2 1870 0,164 28,7 389
    3x185+1x120 RM 54.9 2340 0,125 37,2 467
    3x25+1x25+1x16 RM 23.2 470 1.910 2,5 72
    3x35+1x25+1x16 RM 25.6 560 1.200 4,0 107
    3x50+1x35+1x16 RM 30.0 740 0,868 5,5 132
    3x70+1x50+1x16 RM 34.9 980 0,641 8,0 165
    3x95+1x70+1x16 RM 40.6 1330 0,443 10,7 205
    3x120+1x70+1x16 RM 44.1 1580 0,320 13,7 240
    3x150+1x95+1x16 RM 49.2 1940 0,206 23,2 334
    3x185+1x120+1x16 RM 54.9 2410 0.106 30.8 332

    Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

    HD 626 S1

    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overall Diameter Current Rating Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance Minimum Breaking Load
    No.×mm² mm A Kg/Km KN A
    2x16 RM 14.2 72 147 1.910 2,5
    2x25 RM 17.2 107 208 1.200 4,0
    2x35 RM 19.6 132 277 0,868 5,5
    2x50 RM 22.4 165 361 0,641 8,0
    4x16 RM 17.6 72 286 1.910 2,5
    4x25 RM 20.3 107 430 1.200 4,0
    4x35 RM
    132 553 0,868 5,5
    4x50 RM 27.1 165 746 0,641 8,0
    4x70 RM 30.6 205 1009 0,443 10,7
    4x95 RM 36.1 240 1332 0,320 13,7
    4x120 RM 51.2 290 1632 0,253 18,6
    4x35 + 1x35 RM 27.4 132/132 694 0,868/0,868 5,5/5,5
    4x50 + 1x25 RM 30.5 165/107 814 0,641/1.200 8,0/4,0
    4x50 + 1x35 RM 30.7 165/132 845 0,641/0,868 8,5/5,5
    4x70 + 1x25 RM 34.8 205/107 1105 0,443/1.200 10,7/4,0
    4x70 + 2x25 RM 38.7 205/107 1217 0,443/1.200 10,7/4,0
    4x70 + 1x35 RM 36.0 205/132 1150 0,443/0,868 10,7/5,5
    4x70 + 2x35 RM 38.2 205/132 1289 0,443/0,868 10,7/5,5
    4x95 + 1x25 RM 40.2 240/107 1438 0,320/1.200 13,7/4,0
    4x95 + 1x35 RM 42.1 240/132 1467 0,320/0,868 13,7/5,5
    4x95 + 2x25 RM 40.9 240/107 1544 0,320/1.200 13,7/4,0

    Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

    NFC 33-209

    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overall Diameter Weight Maximum Conductor Resistance Minimum Breaking Load Current Rating
    No.×mm² mm Kg/Km Ω/Km KN A
    2x10 RM 12.8 93 3.080 1.5 38
    4x10 RM 15.4 183 3.080 1.5 38
    2x16 RM 14.8 129 1.910 2.3 72
    2x16 RM + 2x1.5 RE 14.8 176 1.910/12.100 2.3 72
    4x16 RM 17.8 257 1.910 2.3 72
    4x16 RM + 2x1.5 RE 17.8 304 1.910/12.100 2.3 72
    2x25 RM 18.0 202 1.200 3.8 107
    2x25 RM + 2x1,5 RE 18.0 249 1.200/12.100 3.8 107
    4x25 RM 21.7 404 1.200 3.8 107
    4x25 RM + 2x1,5 RE 21.7 451 1.200/12.100 3.8 107
    2x35 RM 20.8 269 0.868 5.2 132
    2x35 RM + 2x1,5 RE 20.8 316 0.868/12.100 5.2 132
    4x35 RM 25.1 539 0.868 5.2 132
    4x35 RM + 2x1,5 RE 25.1 586 0.868/12.100 5.2 132
    2x50 RM 23.4 352 0.641 7.6 165
    2x50 RM + 2x1,5 RE 23.4 399 0.641/12.100 7.6 165
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM 21.7 507 0.630/1.200 3.8 107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 1x16 RM 24.3 573 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 2x16 RM 29.7 639 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x25 RM + 3x16 RM 31.1 705 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 107/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM 25.1 615 0.630/0.868 5.2 132
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 1x16 RM 28.1 680 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 2x16 RM 34.3 748 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 3x16 RM 35.9 814 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 132/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x35 RM + 1x25 RM 28.1 714 0.630/0.868/1.200 5.2/3.8 132/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM 28.2 741 0.630/0.641 7.6 165
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 1x16 RM 31.6 806 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 2x16 RM 38.6 875 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 3x16 RM 40.4 940 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 165/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x50 RM + 1x25 RM 31.6 841 0.630/0.641/1.200 7.6/3.8 165/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM 33.0 950 0.630/0.443 10.2 205
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 1x16 RM 37.0 1014 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 2x16 RM 45.2 1083 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 3x16 RM 47.3 1148 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 205/72
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 1x25 RM 37.0 1048 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 2x25 RM 45.2 1150 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x70 RM + 3x25 RM 47.3 1250 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 205/107
    1x54.6 RM + 3x95 RM 37.4 1176 0.630/0.320 13.5 240
    1x54.6 RM + 3x95 RM + 1x16 RM 41.9 1243 0.630/0.320/1.910 13.5/2.3 240/72

    Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

    AS/NZS 3560 Part 1
    Number of Cores x Nominal Cross Section Overall Diameter Weight Minimum Breaking Load Current Rating
    No.×mm² mm Kg/Km KN A
    2x16 RM 15.0 140 4.4 78
    2x25 RM 17.6 210 7.0 105
    2x35 RM 19.6 270 9.8 125
    2x50 RM 22.8 370 11.4 150
    2x95 RM 30.6 680 15.3 230
    3x25 RM 19.0 310 8.8 97
    3x35 RM 21.1 410 9.8 120
    3x50 RM 24.6 550 11.4 140
    4x16 RM 18.1 290 8.8 74
    4x25 RM 21.2 410 14.0 97
    4x35 RM 23.7 550 19.6 120
    4x50 RM 27.5 740 28.0 140
    4x70 RM 31.9 1000 39.2 175
    4x95 RM 36.9 1370 53.2 215
    4x120 RM 40.6 1690 67.2 250
    4x150 RM 43.9 2020 84.0 280

    Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

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